Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Crush

It seems that Rachel has a crush on our teammate. Everyone can see it, and chuckles when she curiously asks, "Is Brugger going to be there?". Just when I thought this phenomenom was unique to 4 year old girls, it strikes an unlikely candidate...our six year old , rough-and-tough son. He seems to be taken with a new team mate who just arrived this week from Brazil. Penya doesn't speak much English, but she is an attentive audience while Brent shows off his dart shooting skills and how he can take out the trash by himself. Brent seemed really disappointed when he sat down to dinner tonight. I asked him if he disliked what I had prepared. He said, "No it is not that...I just wanted to sit next to 'Pen-YA-Ta'." Apparently he is not so good with names. He'll have to work on that before he hits the dating scene.


Marlene Depler said...

Kids are so funny! One never knows what they will say or do next.

Tell the Brent, Rachel, and Brent that Papa and Nana would love to come sit next to them for dinner.

AB said...

I wonder if he thinks that she is filled with candy because of her name - that may account for the fascination!