Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Thing about Grace...

I have a child who I often describe as being "fair, as it pertains to him". Unfortunately, I think My Heavenly Father could describe me this way sometimes too.

While we were away for three years, we rented our home to a woman and her three kids. Coming back to see the horrible condition of our house has been agonizing. Daily I seem to discover new ways that she destroyed things in our home....and daily I find myself muttering angry things about her as I execute another repair. I justify it because it is a "righteous anger"!!!

The other day the I felt God stirring in my heart...asking the questions that I didn't want to hear...highlighting fault I would rather not see. After downing a full glass of ice cold humility, I began to see who I really am..."deeply flawed, ungrateful and tenaciously fair (as it pertains to me)". And then the familiar phrase..."my grace is sufficient for you"... and for her too. He was entitled to righteous anger at my rebellion, the ways I willingly destroy the life He intends for me. Yet, He offered me costly grace instead. And the thing about that once you have been measured by it, you surrender your right to judge others with the ruler of justice.


JenniferLayne said...

Oh, but why is it sooo hard to drop our rulers? I'm right there with you, and I'm thankful for your honesty that convicts me this morning. love you!!

grammy said...

Very deep thoughts indeed. Nice to see you at church last night. Here's a thought. I guess we should look at it like lending someone money...we are suppose to look at it as a gift and not even expect it to be paid back. I'm not saying I can do that, just strive to.. Our house is our nest and it is so hard to see it 'messed up' when we return to it. Especially when our baby birds have not left the nest yet.

AB said...

Isn't that the truth.
I am so thankful for his grace, and I just keep on trying to lay it all down before him.

You have such a way with words. I think you should write a book.